Principles of psoriasis treatment

One form of non-communicable disease may be psoriasis of the hands. It causes a lot of inconvenience to a person. The many boards make the housework more difficult. The patient develops self-confidence, which leads to isolation and social renunciation. With this diagnosis, psoriasis outbreaks affect the fingers, palms, nails, and other areas of the hand. It is very difficult to cope with the disease alone. If a person wants to recover, he or she should seek the help of a qualified professional.

Causes of occurrence

Doctors identify various causes of psoriasis rash on the hands. In each case, individual treatment is required. To determine therapy correctly, the physician must determine the factor that led to the activation of the autoimmune disease. The cause of psoriasis can be found in the hands under the following conditions:

  1. Impaired immune system;
  2. Psycho-emotional overload;
  3. Hereditary predisposition;
  4. Metabolic disorders;
  5. Poor nutrition
  6. Bad habits;
  7. Chronic skin diseases;
  8. Climate change;
  9. Poisoning of the body.

Psoriatic rashes on the hands are often caused by long-term use of medications. If left untreated, plaque can spread to the joints, shoulders and other parts of the body.

taking anti-psoriasis drugs on the hands


To find out what form psoriasis manifests in your hands, you need to look at photos that show patients suffering from this disease. Images in medical reference books and thematic pages can be used for comparison with natural rashes on the body. In addition, it is recognizable by the characteristic signs of the disease.

Symptoms of hand psoriasis include:

  • Redness of the skin of the upper limbs;
  • Severe drought;
  • Swelling and thickening of the skin layers;
  • Cracking of the formed pustules;
  • Pain in the affected area;
  • Fusion of single rashes.

People who are prone to the disease certainly need to know how psoriasis is. They will then be able to identify and begin treatment in a timely manner without waiting for the pathological rash to increase.

symptoms of psoriasis on the hands

Stages of the disease

It is much easier to cure psoriasis in the first stage of spread. To understand how to overcome psoriasis on the hands, you must first find out what stage of development it is.

There are a total of 3 main phases in the development of psoriasis, which is localized in the area of the hands:

  • Advanced. Tiny rashes appear on healthy skin. There are light scales in the middle. The rash gradually increases, resulting in the formation of plaques;
  • Stationary. The rash disappears. Their growth also stops. The surface affected by psoriasis begins to peel off;
  • Decreasing. Plaques will become flat, stop strong detachment, and gradually dissolve. No trace remains on the skin where they were.

The condition of the br and the presence of certain symptoms in the patient help to calculate whether the psoriasis belongs to one stage.

worsening of psoriasis on the hands

How to treat psoriasis on the hands

Psoriasis on the hands requires complex therapy. The most important are medication and topical treatment of plaque. In addition, doctors recommend physiotherapy procedures that have a positive effect on the condition of the skin.


In the initial stages of psoriasis disease, which leads to the formation of plaques on the hands, it is necessary to use such funds:

  1. Salicylic ointment;
  2. Topical glucocorticosteroids;
  3. Fluorinated glucocorticosteroids;

Medicines in this group should be handled with great care. They are quite dangerous to health as they can cause serious complications and side effects. Sometimes, after stopping the drug, the disease gets worse.

Prolonged treatment with such agents may result in signs of malaise, manifested in the form of excessive hair growth and atrophy. Therefore, their use is only allowed after a doctor's prescription.


Psoriasis of the hands can be treated with medications containing calcipotriol. The initial stage of the disease is much better suited for such therapy. Although it is better to apply in the last stage of development. Unlike previous drugs, products containing calcipotriol do not lead to skin atrophy. In addition, they have no erasure effect.

Calcipotriol preparations should be used once daily. The daily norm of the substance should not exceed 15 g. The first results of treatment with this system become noticeable for about 2 weeks. A medication course using these funds may not last longer than 2 months.

Tar and naphthalene based preparations

Psoriasis, which has affected the hands, fingers, and palms, responds well to treatment with tar and naphthalene-containing formulations. They are relatively safe for health and relatively low cost. Therefore, such treatment will be affordable for many patients.

There are a number of rules to follow when treating with tar and naphthalene. Doctors do not recommend their use in the fight against a disease that spreads to large areas of the skin. Ignoring this advice can increase the development of the pathological process. In addition, tar drugs can lead to complications of chronic diseases.

Psoriasis of the hand can be treated with injections of antihistamines. In addition, the introduction of 10 ml of sodium thiosulfate per day is not harmful. In such volumes, a 10% calcium chloride solution is often prescribed. In addition, your doctor may prescribe sedatives.

Gels are commonly used to treat psoriatic outbreaks in the hands. After applying the creams, a positive result can be achieved. Ointment therapy is no less effective. All of these medications may contain hormones or may contain natural ingredients. Hormonal ointment for psoriasis on the hands is more commonly used in advanced disease. In the initial stages, you can thrive on safer topical medications.

If necessary, doctors recommend that patients resort to more aggressive means that do not give any chance of the disease. These are aromatic retinoids. One of the best of these is an aqueous gel at a concentration of 0, 05% or 0. 1%.

The following are prescribed as complementary medicines:

  • TNF inhibitors;
  • Keratolytic agents;
  • Immunomodulators.

If the treatment is effective, the disease will be in remission. The patient is not disturbed by his symptoms until the next exacerbation. Preventive agents that maintain health in a normal state help prevent new outbreaks of the pathological process.

Traditional treatment

You can use products made according to traditional medicine recipes to treat or prevent psoriasis. With their help, it is impossible to cope with the disease. But they significantly enhance the effects of medications and physiotherapy procedures, which is also an important benefit.

You may want to try to combat psoriatic disease using the following folk remedies:

  1. Homemade ointment. It is made from underwear powder (1/2 teaspoon), baby cream (5 g) and chicken egg white. The resulting mixture should be applied to the skin of the hand about three times a day until the painful rash disappears;
  2. Baths with sea salt. This treatment is recommended for patients who develop psoriasis in the last stage;
  3. Natural oils. This product should be used to hydrate dry skin. Flaxseed, apricot, olive and sea buckthorn oil are perfect;
  4. Solid oil. This substance, in its pure form, should be applied to the affected areas of the hands every night before going to bed.

It is best to combine several home remedies with each other to speed up your recovery.

Herbal treatment

On the positive side, phytotherapy manifests itself. It is irreplaceable in psoriasis. In order for herbs to help get rid of psoriasis plaques on your hands, you need to know exactly what form and amount to use them.

You can use the following herbs on your hands to eliminate the signs of psoriasis:

  1. Bloodweed. You will need your juice to treat your painful rash. They should generously smear plaque while taking care not to get it on healthy skin so as not to cause burns. The duration of such treatment shall not exceed 3 months;
  2. Sunflower. They are used to make medical compresses. You will need young baskets of the plant that need to be ground. Water is then added to the resulting mass. The finished compress should be applied to the entire affected area. Sunflower prevents the spread of disease and relieves inflammation;
  3. A blend of chamomile, celandine, mint, lavender and linden. They make herbal juice, which is then added to the hand bath.

You may want to try making different decoctions and infusions of plants that can help eliminate painful symptoms. Most importantly, a person is not allergic to the herbs he or she uses.

herbs for the treatment of psoriasis on the hands

Homeopathy and psoriasis

Many patients use homeopathic remedies to treat psoriasis that has spread to their hands. These are selected depending on a person’s constitutional structure. This therapy helps to reconfigure the body and restore disturbed balance.

Homeopathic medicines are usually combined with organotropic type medicines. They are reflected in a particular way in the functioning of internal organs and systems.

If you have questions about choosing the right medicine, consult an experienced homeopathy.


Psoriasis can be reduced and worsened intermittently. It is in the patient's interest to keep the disease in remission for a longer period of time to avoid the next appearance of plaques in different parts of the body. Preventive measures help to cope with this task:

  • It is necessary to ensure the cleanliness of the skin of the hand;
  • You need to follow proper nutrition and give up bad habits;
  • Vitamin complexes should be taken regularly to strengthen the immune system;
  • Do not expose your hands to chemicals.

If a person does not break these rules, psoriasis will not bother him for a long time.